Saturday, June 12, 2010

Fanaticism and Addiction

I am a sports fanatic even though I don't play one, unless you count scuba diving as a sport. I love pro football, college basketball and Yankees baseball. Then there's Formula 1 racing, hockey (although I'm still not sure of some of the rules), college baseball and softball and Indy car racing. I even like boxing. But right now, the boys of summer have my attention. I grew up watching the Yankees and Mets on television, but mainly the Yankees, Dad was an AL guy. I would go to the stadium for games with my dad when my brother couldn't get a client to go to the game. I even went to Shea to see the Yankees when the old house was being renovated. Now I have a partial season plan for Saturday afternoons. I would get a full season plan, but the Yankees don't allow knitting needles in the park. That's just too much prime knitting time to not have something to work on. Plus, given the length of some of the Yankee games, I can't see me getting home at midnight or later. So I stay home, curled up in my big, old, comfy chair working on socks, my nephew's afghan or sometimes the never ending sweater and watch the game on YES.

The current project is sweater set I'm designing. So far, I've gotten the back up through the waist shaping. So it's on to the rest of the back. I haven't worked out the armhole shaping yet. But that will be tomorrow. I have a good idea on how I will do this. It helps that I have taken a few fitting classes over years. The classes at Stitches and the TKGA meetings are good resources for leaning on how to change a pattern to fit your body. It is imperative that you get your self measured and then use those measurements. It may not be pretty and you may hate the numbers that you see, but they are just that, numbers. A well fitted garment will make you look better and thinner. It can give you the illusion of a waist where there is none, play up your assets, change your proportions to be more balanced visually. What more could you want? OK, it can't take the 20, 50 or how ever many pounds you may want to loose, but it can hide a multitude of sins. You just have to look at the good parts to play up and NOT the parts you hate. We all have them, from Julia Roberts to Mary Sue around the corner. So take a class, get measured by someone you trust and work on showing off your assets.


  1. Showing off your assets is SO true! I have, through the years, learned to adapt any pattern or use no pattern for myself. Meg Swansen and many more taught me that.
    I have this strange technique to be able to look at something straight on, upside down, inside out and backwards! Weird...:)
    I look forward to reading your blog and seeing your knitting.

  2. Good girl - I tell my classes this exact thing all the time - numbers are only numbers! Just don't forget that measurements need to be re-done once a year or so; gravity does tend to make things shift around!

    Great start for the blog - keep posting, please!


  3. So true. You need to train your eye and adapt what you see to suit yourself. Redoing measurements is key. Some don't change but a lot do. Always recheck your measurements after a weight loss ;) or gain ;(.
