Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Subway Series

Today I got to experience the phenomenon that is the Subway Series.  The Mets were playing the Yankees at Yankee Stadium. Actually, I have been going to Yankee Stadium since the beginning of the season as I decided to get partial season ticket plan.  I have very nice people around me.  However, at this game, the whole stadium took on a different complexion.  It was more crowded than usual and a lot of the more expensive seats were full, full of Mets fans.  I have never heard so much cheering for the other team at any other game that I've been to.  And I have now seen the craziest rally hat ever, the Mets rally hat.  They wear their hats with the back folded against the front and the bill standing straight up.  Only one half of their head is covered.  The Yankees won the game, stopping a 4 game loosing streak. It was interesting to see them flash a shot of Paul O'Neill for a between innings game they have.  Paul was broadcasting the game on the YES Network.  They caught Paul eating a slice of pizza.  If you've ever watched a game on YES when Paul is broadcasting with Michael Kay or anyone else, there are lots of comments about the food that shows up in the booth for Paul.  Of course, there's just about any food you may want at the stadium.  You can find hot dog and Cracker Jacks to sushi and barbecued pork to salads and veggie burgers.  And if you splurge on the front row seats known as the Legend seats, you have all the food and non-alcoholic beverages you want.  And that area has its own restaurant and bar, with anything: Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Kosher, a carving station, you name it.   It is a buffet, but one with fine china, silverware, crystal glasses and table cloths.  You can watch the game from any table because there many monitors in the place for you to watch the game.  Heck, they even pipe the radio feed into the bathrooms.  You don't miss a play.

As for my knitting, I'm still working on my top and the shawl.  I have learned that I might be able to bring my knitting into the stadium.  I think I may try to bring one of my charity projects in an inexpensive acrylic to test the waters.  I've been told that Gate 8 has allowed knitting needles in.  I always thought that the Yankees didn't allow needles into the stadium, so I've never tried.  But the Yankee fan group on Ravelry has said they do and several members have brought projects to the games.  I try to do something for charity after each project I do for myself or family.  Right now I have been doing baby items for an in-state hospital near Camden.  Camden is either the most depressed city in the state or second most depressed.  Many babies go home in diapers only.  Many people across the country support the hospital with hats, sweaters, booties, flannel sheets, isolette covers, buntings, sleep sacks and what ever a new born may need.  Here's a link to the Yahoo group supporting them, .  I also make helmet liners for the troops.  The ones the military supplies are not very warm for the winters in Afghanistan or Iraq.     There are two groups doing that.  One is  the old Operation Helmet Liners which is part of Citizen SAM now.  Here's their link, .  The other is The Ships Project, .  I know the wars we are currently involved in are not very popular. In fact, I don't believe we should have invaded Iraq the last time. However, that doesn't mean I don't support the troops.  They are doing a job many of us would not want.  They are putting their lives on the line so we can have freedom and rights that others don't have.  They deserve our support.

 My LYS has a yearly charity project centering around a bus trip they run to Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.  This year it was wash cloths for Haiti and two local women's shelters.  Most years, the project supports the women's shelter with gloves, hats and afghans.  A local group run out of a library also does charitable projects.  I think most knitters are nurturing and find various outlets for that part of their personalities.  If they have large families, they most likely supply everyone with hats, gloves, scarves and the like.  Others, like me, with small families, find other outlets.  We  do for others to spread the fruits of our labors.  So if you are inclined to doing good works and need a place that would appreciate your works, you can investigate the ones here or look for others, like Afghans for Afghan, Project Linus, or many others.  I'm sure they can use your help.  Bye.

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